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No Contact Orders

There are basically two laws and two different types of court orders that allow the Court to order that a person have no contact of any kind with another person. These are commonly referred to as "restraining orders.” The first type of order is the Domestic Abuse Protective Order, and the second is the No Contact Order. There may be other circumstances that apply in which you should consult a private attorney.

Domestic Abuse Protective Orders (Ch. 236):

A Domestic Abuse Protective Order protects family or household members from abuse by another family or household member. It only applies in certain circumstances and is issued by a judge through the assistance of the Clerk of the Court. Domestic Abuse Protective Orders are issued by a judge through the Clerk of Court on the second floor of the Chickasaw County Courthouse. If you want to drop your Domestic Abuse Protective Order that you obtained your order through the Clerk of Court on the third floor of the Courthouse, return to that office.

In order to get a Domestic Abuse Protective Order, you must answer “Yes” to any one of the questions below.

  • Is the order against a family, intimate partner, or household member you live with?
  • Is the order against a family, intimate partner, or household member you have lived within the last year?
  • Is the order against a family, intimate partner, or household member with whom you have a child?

If you answered “No” to all of the above questions, then you must consult a private attorney.

No Contact Order:

This is an order issued by the Court during a pending criminal case on the charge of domestic abuse, harassment, or stalking which prohibits contact of a victim or witness in a criminal case. In order to qualify for this order, the court must find that the order is necessary to prevent and restrain intimidation and harassment or for the safety of the victim. If you are a victim or witness in a criminal case and you are being intimidated or harassed or you fear for your safety, you should report the matter to law enforcement. If you want to ask the Court to cancel your No Contact Order, you need to contact the Clerk of Court's office at (641) 394-2106 and fill out an application; then the Court will schedule your application for hearing.

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