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Engineer's Office and Secondary Roads


8 E. Prospect St.
New Hampton, IA 50659
Driving Directions

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 316
New Hampton, IA 50659

Contact Information

641-394-4413 (Maintenance Shop)

Engineer's Office and Secondary Roads

Maintenance Duties

The Secondary Road Department maintains nearly 850 miles of roads. Approximately 146 miles of the system is hard-surfaced (PCC, Asphalt, Seal Coat) and the remaining miles either has a granular or earth surface. It is also responsible for everything within the road right-of-way, including thousands of drainage structures that cross and parallel these roads including 276 bridges over twenty feet long (including county line/cities). Some of the services that are provided include snow removal, drainage maintenance, blading, roadside management and traffic control.

Engineering Duties

The Engineer's Office carries out the design, inspection and contract administration of the secondary road system.  It provides an annual budget and five-year construction program that identifies how the county will be spending its funding on the county roads.

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Our Team

  • Roman Lensing, P.E., Engineer
  • Ranae Carey, Administrative Assistant
  • Liza Herold, Assistant to Engineer
  • Benjamin Schmitt, Assistant to Engineer
  • Joe Zubrod, Superintendent & Drainage Foreman
  • Sam Milligan, Shop/Sign Foreman
  • Ryan Roberson, Bridge Foreman
  • Tyler Throndson, Road Foreman

Map & Directions