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County Jail

Jail visitation hours are Wednesdays between 1:00 and 3:00 p.m.

The following topics are covered in this section:

Iowa State Victim Notification Service

The IowaVINE system is a service through which victims of crime can use the telephone or internet to search for information regarding the custody status of their offender and to register to receive telephone and email notification when the offender’s custody status changes.  The toll-free number for IowaVINE is 888-7-IAVINE or 888-742-8463.  This service is provided to assist victims of crime who have a right to know about their offender’s custody status.

How to Register

To register for IowaVINE notifications or to download the VINELink mobile app, please visit the IowaVINE website.

Register    Download Mobile Patrol App

Inmate Visitation


Chickasaw County Sheriff’s Office retains the right to deny a visit when there is reason to believe that the visitor will endanger jail security or control of jail. A person under the influence of any drug / alcohol will be denied entry.

  • No cell phone or cameras or any type of recording devices allowed during visit
  • No recording or picture during visitation (you will be banned)
  • Government-issued photo ID must be presented by each visitor. Visitors who don’t have proper ID will not be allowed visitation
  • Visitation for each visitor will last no longer than 15 minutes and visitations are recorded and monitored.
  • Visitors will not abuse, neglect, or damage visitation equipment – if so, persons could face criminal mischief charges for damage to county property.
  • Visitors will be properly dressed.
  • Proper behavior of all visitors is required.
  • Jail Administrator or his/her designee (staff) may deny any visit or suspend all visits, in his/her opinion, reasonable suspicion that the security of any inmate and/or security of the facility is in jeopardy.
  • Violation of said rules will result in a person being banned from visitation
  • Attorneys and Ministers will be allowed unlimited access provided the visit is at a reasonable hour.
  • Inmate visitation hours are every Wednesday from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
  • Items allowed to be brought in for inmates' use include but are not limited to: socks, underwear, non-wire bras, shampoo, body wash, soap, toothpaste, softcover books, magazines, (3) or less appropriate pictures.
  • Money can be brought in for inmates in cash or check. We do not accept and process money orders.
  • All items must be in original packaging and unopened.
  • All items will be approved by the Jail Administrator.

Inmate Communications

  • Inmates may mail (3) outgoing letters each week to contact an attorney, family, friend, etc.
  • Inmates have access to phone cards through Reliance Telephone Co. These phone cards may be purchased directly from the Jail Administrator, or they may be purchased online.
  • Phone cards are $.50/minute and are sold in $10 or $20 cards. To receive collect calls, friends & relatives need to call Reliance to set up an account or visit the website. A $35 prepayment is required. 1-800-896-3201
  • Reliance also offers Texting Devices for inmate use.


Letters mailed to inmates must contain the inmate’s full name as part of the address. The jail will not accept certain items through the mail. Restricted items include packages, obscene or pornographic materials, personal checks, and type of food. Envelopes with writing and drawings all over, other than what is required will not be accepted and returned to sender.

Mail should be addressed in the following manner:

Chickasaw County Jail
P.O. Box 427
New Hampton, IA 50659

Telephone Calls

Most inmates have daily access to telephones within the dayroom of the housing units: Inmates can’t receive incoming telephone calls, and Jail staff won’t deliver personal messages unless of emergency nature. After the booking process, all telephone calls by inmates are collect and the financial responsibility of the receiver should they accept. The inmate may also purchase a phone card through the jail. Inmate telephone services are provided through contact with Reliance Telephone. Any questions regarding collect call charges should be referred to Reliance Telephone at 1-800-896-3201. You may also visit Reliance Telephone’s website.

IPODS (Texting Device)

The Chickasaw County Jail has provided Inmates with another form of communication while incarcerated at the Jail. Inmates may be granted use of a IPOD texting device while in jail. Cost is $4.00 per 30 days, and all inbound/outbound texts are $.09 Cents. Any money left on account is not refunded upon leaving the jail. Services are provided through Reliance Telephone, and funds can be placed on IPOD after approval and setup by visiting Reliance Telephone’s website. Chickasaw County Jail staff does not have access to Inmate fund accounts. Staff is not able to answer any billing questions in reference to IPOD. Questions should be directed to Reliance Telephone by calling 1-800-896-3201.

Bail Bond Information

Rapid Release Bail Bonds-New Hampton

Goldberg Bail Bonds

AAA Lederman Bonds
800-564-8898 or 563-547-4024

Lederman Bail Bonds
563-382-0550 or 641-228-6797

Absolute Bail Bonds
877-885-2245 or 641-732-5898

Hawkeye Bail Bonds

First Priority Bail Bonds

Midwest Bonding

Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)

Chickasaw County Sheriff’s Office supports the Prison Rape Elimination Act. Reporting of any sexual assaults made or attempted by any inmate, volunteer, vendor or staff member in the Chickasaw County Sheriff’s Office in the Chickasaw County Jail may be reported any time by contacting the Sheriff’s Office at 641-394-3121. For more information about the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA), please visit the National PREA Resource Center website.

What is PREA?

The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was signed into law on Sept. 4, 2003. The final regulatory standards to implement PREA went into effect on August 20, 2012.

What is the purpose of PREA?

PREA is intended to address the detection, prevention, reduction and prosecution of sexual harassment and sexual assault in all correctional facilities in the country.

To what facilities does PREA apply?

PREA applies to all confinement facilities in the state. This includes all prisons, jails, police lock-ups, juvenile facilities, immigration detention centers, court holding facilities, and community corrections facilities (home monitoring, probation, parole, halfway houses).

What constitutes staff sexual misconduct with offenders?

Staff sexual misconduct with offenders is generally defined as any behavior or act of a sexual nature by: a Sheriff’s office employee (sworn or civilian, managers, administrators, supervisors, officers, supervisors of offenders on work release), a contractor, a food service employee, a maintenance worker, a volunteer, a medical or mental health staff member (clinical staff and counselors), vendors, or teachers.

What should someone do if they suspect a sexual assault has occurred in a correctional facility?

Anyone who suspects or has knowledge of any sexual harassment, sexual assault or sexual misconduct in any juvenile or adult detention or correctional facility should report it to a staff member, volunteer, supervisor, administrator or human resources official Inmates may file grievances, tell their case manager or unit manager, or talk with a correctional officer or any staff member with whom they feel comfortable and trust. Anyone who receives a report of sexual abuse in any confinement setting must send it up the chain of command for investigation and disposition.

Reporting of Sexual Assault

Every report that is made is taken seriously and will be investigated fully. The Chickasaw County Sheriff’s Office has a ZERO tolerance policy for any sexual assaults made or attempted by any inmate or staff member in the Chickasaw County Sheriff’s Office. Reports can be made anonymously by friends or family members at any time by contacting the Sheriff’s Office at 641-394-3121.

If you have any additional questions, which cannot be answered through our website, please contact the Chickasaw County Jail at 641-394-3121 or email our Jail Administrator, Jordan P. Gansen, at

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