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Marriage Licenses


Please read all instructions before applying.

Applying for an Iowa marriage license

The Marriage Application and License fee is $35.00. The parties to be married and one witness must be at least 18 years of age and must appear in person between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. All parties must show a valid government photo ID. Alternatively, you may mail a completed application that has been notarized to us.


Read these instructions carefully.

  • Please do not use whiteout. Draw one line through any mistakes or start over with a new application.
  • Print clearly, filling out the full legal name of all parties.
  • Please keep in mind that all optional information will show on your certificate as *---* if left blank on the application. For identity and family history purposes, we recommend that the parents' full names (mother's maiden name) are filled out.
  • Please place an X for any optional information that you want to leave blank, the application will be returned to you for completion if this is not done.
  • Please complete the front and back of the application. 
  • All three signatures must be notarized. Social Security numbers are required on the bottom of the second page along with the date of the wedding ceremony and the name of the officiant if known.
  • Please enclose a note with your application stating if you will be picking up the application or enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope (.70 postage) to where the license should be mailed.
  • Please enclose your phone number in case we may have a question on your application.
  • If you apply for a marriage license in Iowa, you must get married in Iowa.

Please call 641-394-2336 or email recorders@chickasawcounty.iowa.gov to have an application sent to you.


If you do not have a valid driver's license or ID, please provide alternative identification. View Identity Documents for acceptable forms of alternative IDs.

Waiting Period

There is a three (3) day waiting period before the actual marriage may occur.

  Date of Application   Valid Date of Certificate
  Monday   Friday
  Tuesday   Saturday
  Wednesday   Sunday
  Thursday   Monday
  Friday   Tuesday

Please call 641-394-2336 or email recorders@chickasawcounty.iowa.gov to have an application sent to you.

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